How To Explain Why You Love Someone

You know how you feel in your heart. You can feel the butterflies when they look at you with a deep gaze and feel the blood rushing to your face when they give you even the slightest compliment. You’re literally incapable of saying their name without breaking into a smile. But putting these feelings in words can be a tough cookie to crack. Here are a few ways in which you can explain to someone why you love them. Now that you know how to explain to someone, you can list the reasons why you love them so much.

100 Reasons Why I Love You

If you love someone, you have to let them know. Be it a special occasion or just a regular day, you never tire of telling them you love them. If the good-old “I love you” doesn’t cut it anymore, here are some novel ways to express your feelings for your partner:

  1. I love you because you push me to be the best version of myself. You make me want to achieve my goals and dreams and your love makes me a better person.
  2. No other feeling even comes close to the feeling I get when I’m with you. This is one of the reasons I love you more and more every day.
  3. I love you because you light up my world, turn my tears into joy and my frowns upside down.
  4. I love you because you appreciate me and the things I do for you. This is one of the reasons I will love you forever and never stop showing I care because you never fail to see when I do.
  5. You sense my moods like a thermometer senses the temperature. I love you more and more each day because you know me so well.
  6. I love you because you always say the right thing at the right time.
  7. I love you because you share my burdens. You help me out when I need it the most and sometimes even when I don’t realize I need help.
  8. You have a pure heart and look at the good in every person, thing, and circumstance. Your kindness, empathy, and beautiful nature make not just me, but everyone happy.  9. One of the funny reasons why I love you is because your dance moves set the floor on fire. You’re uninhibited on the dance floor and I adore that about you.
  9. Your jokes make me laugh like nothing else can. I love you because you make me break into peals of laughter and giggle till my stomach hurts.
  10. I love you because you make me feel complete and whole.
  11. One of the reasons I will love you forever is that you make sure I’m well taken care of always.
  12. I love you because you make me your priority. You make me feel important and you mean it. I never feel sidelined when I’m with you.
  13. Your eyes sparkle when you look at me and smile. I love you because I know you can’t help but smile when you look at me, even when you’re angry.
  14. I love you because you teach me how to be better at the things I do. Your suggestions and advice make me a better person.
  15. You constantly inspire me and push me to follow my dreams is one of the reasons I will love you forever.
  16. I love you because you’re as much of a hopeless romantic as I am.
  17. I love you because when you hug me, it feels like we’re two pieces of a puzzle that just fit perfectly together.
  18. One of the funny reasons why I love you is that you’re a goofball, which means I can be a goofball around you too, unabashedly.
  19. Your passion for the things you love makes my love for you stronger every day. Your eyes light up when you talk about things you care about and I can listen to you all day long.
  20. You make me relate to the line, “The places between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly”, from the song Vanilla Twilight by Owl City.
  21. I love you because I can be myself around you. You love me for who I am and accept me with all my flaws and imperfections.
  22. I love you because every love song just reminds me of you.
  23. I love you because you stand up for not just yourself but even for those who can’t stand up for themselves.
  24. I love you because you care about things that are important to me and make an effort to learn more about them. This is why I love you more and more each day.
  25. If effort is attractive, you’re the most attractive person in the world. You’re always making deliberate efforts to make me happy and feel loved.
  26. I love you because you always make me a cup of coffee along with yours.
  27. I love you because you constantly remind me of the goodness of this world. You refuse to be a pessimist and let the world bring you down. Your hopefulness brings me so much hope.
  28. I love you because you make me view things from a different perspective. Even when I’m down and the world seems like a grim place and life feels like it’s full of despair, you point toward the silver lining between the dark clouds and make me see things from a new perspective.
  29. You make my heart beat faster. I love you because you make me feel like a teenager again.
  30. You listen to me and give me the best advice, always. You don’t just hear me out but attentively listen to what I have to say.
  31. I love you because of the amazing memories we make together. Reminiscing about those memories can make my day. I can’t wait to make more memories with you and add them to the list of reasons why I love you.
  32. I love you because you surprise me. Sometimes with little love notes and sometimes with big surprise parties. You’re always trying to bring unexpected joy into my life.
  33. I love you because you’re selfless and giving. You think about others before you think about your own interests and that’s beautiful.
  34. Your confidence and self-assurance are inspiring. This is one of the many reasons I love you.
  35. I love you because you never fail to express your emotions. No matter what you’re feeling you always communicate with me.
  36. I love you because I can be unafraid around you. I don’t have to watch my words or actions and be afraid of getting judged by you.
  37. I love you because you see the beauty in everything. Be it nature or people, you always find the beauty in things.
  38. I love you because the warmth in your heart can make the coldest day seem cozier.
  39. I love you because you blush when you’re embarrassed and it’s the most adorable thing ever.
  40. I love you because you’re the world’s best gifter. You always go the extra mile in getting me gifts that mean the world to me.
  41. I love you because you’re always honest with me. You’re not afraid of sharing your feelings and emotions and this only inspires me to be transparent with you.
  42. I love you because you respect me, my opinions, and my space. This is definitely one of the reasons I will love you forever.
  43. One of the reasons I love you is that you always help me pick out the best clothes because your sense of style and aesthetics matches mine.
  44. You make me feel special with your actions, words, and your caring nature.
  45. I love you more and more each day because you look at me like I’m the only one who matters in this whole wide world.
  46. I love you because you tell me you’re proud of me for even the smallest things.
  47. You believe in me more than I believe in myself. This is why I will love you forever.
  48. I love you because you make me want to settle down. I can’t wait for us to share the rest of our lives together.
  49. I love you because I know I can be happy with you, no matter the place.
  50. You’re kind to those who are more unfortunate than us and you treat them in the best possible way.
  51. I love you because you’re never condescending.
  52. I love you because you’re not afraid to apologize. You don’t think it makes you a smaller person.
  53. You have a strong sense of commitment and loyalty and that is one of the reasons why I love you.
  54. I love you because you’re driven toward your goals.
  55. I love you because you give me space when I need it without feeling insecure.
  56. I love you because you’re not jealous. Or even when you are, it’s a healthy amount of jealousy.
  57. You would turn the world upside down if it meant making me happy and that has to be one of the most important reasons why you love someone.
  58. I love you because you never stop trying and never give up.
  59. I love you because you pamper me.
  60. I love you because I know you will be by my side through thick and thin.
  61. I love you because you’re reliable. You’re my rock.
  62. I love you because you’re not afraid to indulge in a little bit of PDA with me. You love loving me even when other people are around.
  63. I love you because you’re proud to tell other people about me and the special bond we share. You don’t hide me away and I can tell you’re proud of how far we’ve come.
  64. I love you because you always take my feelings into consideration. You think about how things will impact me even when I forget to.
  65. I love you because sparks fly when we kiss.
  66. I love you because you get me breakfast in bed sometimes.
  67. I love you because you make me want to travel the world with you.
  68. You’re the one for me. My soulmate, my better half, my significant other, my everything.
  69. I love you because you know my likes and dislikes better than I do.
  70. Out of the many reasons why you love someone, my favorite one is that you tell me I deserve the best of everything and make me believe it. Well, since I deserve the best of everything, it’s a good thing I have you.
  71. I love you because you make sure I’m comfortable always and let me use your body as a pillow.
  72. I want to spend the rest of my life with you looking for reasons I will love you forever.
  73. I love you because you make special occasions even more special for me.
  74. You have a calming effect on me. When I’m anxious or agitated or angry, you calm me down and bring me peace.
  75. I love you because you are the wind beneath my wings.
  76. I love you because you’re simply amazing.
  77. You wake me up in the morning with a forehead kiss and it makes me feel like the luckiest person on the planet. This is one of the reasons why I love you.
  78. You can’t stop talking to your friends about me even if you try! This is one of the funny reasons why I love you.
  79. I love you because you get shy when I compliment you and it’s the cutest thing ever.
  80. I love you because you’re humble. You’re grounded and give everyone the respect they deserve. This is just one of the reasons I love you more and more each day.
  81. You respect your elders and treat them with dignity. These small things that you don’t even know you do are just the reasons I love you more and more each day.
  82. There can be many reasons why you love someone but one of them has to be that I love you because you smile at strangers and make their day. A smile costs nothing and you know how precious it is, nonetheless.
  83. I love you because you think it’s possible to make this world a better place, one kind act at a time.
  84. I love you because you’re unafraid to love. You give me your all and always jump in with both your feet.
  85. You tell me it’s okay to be vulnerable and not be fine. One of the reasons I will love you forever is that you make me realize that I don’t have to deal with everything alone and it’s okay to seek help.
  86. One of the funny reasons why I love you is that we can jam to our favorite music on full volume together.
  87. I love you because you get me. You understand me and my emotions better than anyone else. You’re not just my partner, you’re also my best friend and this is why I will love you forever.
  88. I love you because, on hard days, nothing else can give me as much comfort as getting tipsy with you with a good bottle of wine.
  89. I love you because you don’t run away from confrontation and always make up after even the worst fight.
  90. I love you because you’re willing to discuss our issues openly and honestly, without shifting blame.
  91. I love you because you make me feel beautiful, inside and out. Even on my worst day, you tell me I’m beautiful and I can tell you mean it.
  92. I love you because you know just the right way to deal with my mood swings.
  93. You share every detail of your past, present, and future with me and that just makes me love you more.
  94. I love you because you trust me with your life.
  95. I love you because the first time I met you, there was a spark and I somehow knew I wanted you to be in my life forever.
  96. I love you because we can do the most random things together and still have a good time.
  97. I love you because I feel lucky to have found you amidst 7 billion people in the world. It makes me so happy that the odds were in our favor.
  98. I love you because you’re authentic and you never try to pretend to be someone you’re not.
  99. There can be many reasons why you love someone but my favorite one is that you stand out in a crowd because you’re so unique. I can spot you from a mile away because I have eyes only for you. Hopefully, you can express to your loved one how much you care for them with these reasons why you love someone. At the end of the day, actions speak louder than words so the best way to show them your love is through these little actions that will make your relationship stronger every day.

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